January 17, 2021
What Makes Virgo’s Anti-Bacterial ACPs Stand Apart?
ACP Cladding
,ACP sheet manufacturer in India
Our Indoor environment matters more for us than the outdoor, because we usually spend more time indoors rather than spending outdoor.
And to everyone’s surprise, the latest research and several studies have proved that nowadays our indoor environments are more polluted than the outdoors. The further point to consider here is that the more we dwell in, the more we learn how important it is for one to have a cleaner environment in-house.
The number of disease-causing microbes, pathogens, and other harmful microbes are merely countless in our indoor surroundings without our knowledge, no matter whether we are spending most of our time in our homes, clinics, schools, offices, cars or any other place in the house.
The climatic changes and global warming have led the world to such a catastrophic and devastating environment that the prevailing conditions are the best for the growth of disease-causing microbes, pathogens, germs, and other harmful micro-organisms. One is sure to be at risk if one is not taking proper care to keep his surroundings clinically clean besides maintaining them spick and span.
In earlier days, things were not this crucial, as the environment usually remains clean with ample greenery and cleaner air, so as to not let these harmful organisms grow and this used to keep a silent check on them. But now the scenario is entirely different to rather providing these harmful agents to flourish and grow.
So, How can one Keep a Check on Indoor Bacteria and Other Pathogens?
The need of the hour is to build our systems as per the present requirements and try to adopt self-regulating measures rather than to regularly work over them and keep oneself engaged in these essential but petty matters.
Virgo anti-bacterial aluminium composite panels (ACPs) are one such innovative giant step that has brought a big sigh of relief among people and has provided them a permanent solution in helping one to keep the indoors bacteria-free.
Their anti-bacterial ACPs have revolutionized the entire world by making them live in a cleaner and hygienic environment by installing their tiles rather than going for earlier conventional ones as these tiles provide very high resistance to bacteria and other pathogens present indoors.
So, What is Excellent About these Anti-Bacterial Tiles?
Virgo’s anti-bacterial tiles are close to 99.99% effective against all harmful bacteria and other pathogens. From MRSA to E. coli, from Salmonella to Legionella. from black mold to fungi and thousand other bacteria becomes ineffective on Virgo’s anti-bacterial tiles and thus drastically saves people from harmful surroundings otherwise disinfected by thousands of harmful microbes and germs.
In the first place, these tiles do not allow to let them grow, and on the other gives a tough resistance to their growth and existence.
Where can One Use these Tiles?
The Anti-bacterial tiles can be used from anywhere to everywhere; one wants to keep hygienically clinical clean, from living areas to bedrooms, from kitchens to dining areas, from the lavatory to verandas, from hospitals to healthcare centers to nursing homes, from Spas and Gyms to fitness studios and beauty parlors.
There is no such area, which one can think of without them. They have become vital for every place without any exceptions.
What are the Benefits of Virgo ACPs?
The Virgo ACPs come along with a plethora of benefits, as listed below.
- These ACPs have qualified 10-years accelerated aging test and hence have amazing durability against pathogens as well as environmental impacts.
- These tiles are built to last, and even after several abrasions, they do not lose their ability to prevent bacterial growth and presence over them.
- The cleaning materials do not have any impact on them, or in other words, one is free to wash them or clean them with any detergent or soap without thinking twice about spoiling them.
- They protect people against most killing harmful agents, which have already created havoc on today’s world like E.coli, MRSA, Legionella, and many others to be counted here.
- These are best to arrest the growth of all microbes and pathogens without any exception.
- These tiles are safer for all, including pregnant mothers, kids, toddlers, infant other senior citizens with low immunity, patients, and all others who needs neater and hygienically cleaner surroundings.
- These tiles are perfectly maintenance-free and do not require any special treatment or cleaning agent.
How Do These Tiles Function?
These tiles have silver ions embedded in their coating material, which provides them with the amazing property of remaining clean without any extra effect.
The silver ions embedded in them are released via ambient moisture that arrests the microbial and other fungal presence and prevents their growth besides keeping thousands of other germs at bay.
Conclusion –
Anti-bacterial tiles are a must in today’s world to provide a safe, secure, hygienic, and clinically clean indoors as these tiles, on the one hand, prevent these harmful agents from retaining over them and on the other hand, prevent their breeding and further growth.
There is nothing better than these tiles to save yourself, friends, and families besides near ones and dear ones from regular diseases, allergies, and other ailments.
Virgo, an established group, manufactures world-class ACP products with the latest cutting edge technology at their state-of-the-art manufacturing plant using the world’s best aluminium coils and rolls besides using the best fire-retardant material to make their ACP panels robust, sturdy and rugged to face the harsh environment while providing a great ambiance and aura to the structures during their lifetime.
The Virgo Aluminium composite panels are renowned for providing timeless beauty to the old and new buildings, roofs, signages, and at many more places, whether they are hotels, offices, residences, complexes, schools, universities, hospitals, clubs, recreational centres, or others. Their panels are grossly used in architecturally designed, attractive, and eye-catching green facades to make the buildings stand out of the crowd and make their mark.