August 24, 2021
4 Best ACP Sheet Ideas for your Corporate Office
ACP sheet manufacturer in India
,We have said it before when it comes to the corporate office, first impression is the final impression. Exterior & Interior, your office must be the living embodiment & representation of your work culture & professionalism. A dull office is sure to leave your clients unimpressed and this impression may affect their view of the quality of your work. Office decor is not a recent trend, it has been around for decades but the design industry has always cried out for a game-changer that came in the form of ACP sheets. You are bound to find most corporate properties […]

June 20, 2021
Introduction To ACP Sheets
ACP Cladding
,ACP sheet manufacturer in India
,The decor of space is a reflection of one’s self and personality. With the dynamic nature of style and fashion, everybody wants to stay up-to-date with the progressing world. The material we want to introduce to our readers today speaks of many such qualities in its favour including Stylish, Sturdy and Lightweight, among others. We are talking about ACP or Aluminium Composite Panel created by compounding a middle layer of non-aluminium core between the top and bottom layers of a thin sheet of aluminium. ACP panel sheets can be further coated with PVDF or Polyester paint. This modern material features […]

June 18, 2021
Top 8 Interesting Facts About Aluminum Composite Panels
ACP Cladding
,ACP sheet manufacturer in India
,Everyone loves a great first impression, therefore it becomes important to choose the right kind of exterior façade material when it comes to making your buildings and homes look attractive. ACP sheets are designed in consideration to make your homes and offices look aesthetic. An appealing ACP Sheets façade not only increases the value of your premise but also sets the tone. Let’s discuss the most common uses of ACP Sheets: Cladding: ACP sheets are so designed to bring shine to the exteriors of your buildings and offices. ACP sheets come up in a great range of designs and patterns […]

May 24, 2021
Architects Can Build Buildings, But Then Why They Need A Civil Engineer Besides A Contractor?
ACP Cladding
,ACP sheet manufacturer in India
,“None of us is better than all of us.” Well goes an old saying. After all, the entire strength and the complete might of a single person can never surpass the combined strength and the might of all. It’s universal and indisputable. None of us can ever outsmart all of us, and that is the only reason human beings live in groups and are known as social animals. They don’t live in isolation. It is a team that wins a match and not an individual. Even the solo games are win by a team comprising of players, coaches, motivators, and […]

May 24, 2021
Are Colours To The Architecture Are Like Oxygen To Us?
ACP Cladding
,ACP sheet manufacturer in India
,Colours have always evolved the mood, mindset, taste, perception, and action of humans; rather colours have changed the way animals behave in the same environment. And, it’s absolutely true that the colours of the architecture are like oxygen to us. Without colours the otherwise beautiful buildings, skyscrapers, and other structures that make our mood elevate our vibrancy and bring elegance to our surroundings instead appear as lifeless concrete jungles that seem to be threatening us of soon devouring us. Even the colours, shades, and hues of the same colour do matter to us and drive us in different ways and […]

May 24, 2021
How Virgo ACPs Prevent Spreading Fire In Modern Buildings?
ACP Cladding
,ACP sheet manufacturer in India
,There is nothing better than being safe than sorry as per the adage coined hundreds of years ago by ‘Rory O’ More, the Irish Novelist Samuel Lover (1797-1868). And, he was not wrong. It has been proved thousands of times earlier also. When this comes to constructing buildings and structures, it got more profound as they are constructed for once and dwell hundreds of people. Even a single flaw gets exponentially propagated to add hundreds of miseries and troubles in the daily life of its inhabitants. The rectification after construction is neither feasible nor economical. Even if attempted, it does […]

May 24, 2021
Facelift Your Structures With Virgo ACPs
ACP Cladding
,ACP sheet manufacturer in India
,Ever wondered what would have happened if all the buildings and other constructions start speaking all of a sudden one day. Yes, it will be an amazing miracle to see all the buildings talking on their own, expressing their attitude towards visitors and gratitude towards their admirers. So, get excited, feel pampered, and be over the seventh heaven as the desperate wait is over. Virgo Aluminium Composite Panels (ACPs) have arrived to take centre stage by a storm to make the exteriors and interiors of your building engulf in a new ambiance and a vibrating hue of colours, shades, and […]

May 24, 2021
Are Virgo Rain Screens A Must?
ACP Cladding
,ACP sheet manufacturer in India
,Environment and atmosphere besides climate and weather have direct impacts on all civil structures, whether they are residential, commercial, or industrial. The life of buildings is directly proportional to the type of harsh conditions they undergo like rains, wind, sunshine, snowfall, temperature, dampness, etc. Thus, if we can control the external environment the buildings are subject to, we can manifold extend their life. We can provide buildings with a dry environment, moisture-free atmosphere and splash-free monsoons, to assure their significant longevity beyond imagination. But how can we do so? Safeguarding buildings from deteriorating environmental impact is no more a difficult […]

May 17, 2021
Are Green Facades Worth Installing?
ACP Cladding
,ACP sheet manufacturer in India
,You would agree, in the present scenario of Global warming and the Greenhouse gas effect, it has become a billion-dollar question that whether the installation of the green facade is worth their installation. Is their installation, operational, and maintenance cost acceptable vis-à-vis their utility or benefits. Or, is it just a new buzz across making rounds, or is it only in vogue to be wiped away in the days to come? And you probably guessed it right. Yes, Green Facades are worth their installation for more than one reason, and they are here to stay. Here we will be exploring […]

May 15, 2021
How To Clean ACP Sheet Exteriors
ACP Cladding
,ACP sheet manufacturer in India
,Can we even imagine an Urban Cityspace without the high rise buildings with different high-tech designs and aesthetic modern Architecture? But do you know, what makes many of these buildings look exquisite? It’s ACP, “the Aluminum Composite Panel” which clad such high rise buildings to beautify their exteriors. The ACP exterior facades are a common sight in any city & that is because of the benefits that ACP Panels bring with them. ACPs are the exterior cladding materials that are intended to last long & inclined towards elongated durability, provided these are maintained appropriately. The building exteriors get constantly exposed to […]

April 18, 2021
Some Amazing Facades That Feature Innovative Facade Design Strategies
ACP Cladding
,ACP sheet manufacturer in India
,Facades are in fashion, and they are here to stay for a long. They not only beautify the building but talk a thousand words and paint the thoughts and the principles of the people owning the building without their uttering a single word. Before people speak, their couture had already talked a thousand words about who they are and what principles, values, and legacy they carry. And, the same holds suitable for the facades enclosing a building or surrounding a premise. We love imbibing what we are, what pleases us, and what we want to appear like. Facades are no […]

April 17, 2021
Metal Composite Panels
ACP Cladding
,ACP sheet manufacturer in India
,Metal Composite Panels are made up of metal composite materials and are used in the external cladding of buildings. Their free form has made them fit to be used with all shapes, forms, and nature of the buildings, no matter if they are high rise commercials or residentials. They are amazing for use in interiors of buildings, villas, or bungalows too. Are There Any Shape Restrictions in Metal Composite Panels? No, these panels can be in shape and can acquire any configuration, whether bent, curved, artistic, geometric, or even weird. And, their this attribute has made them the first preference […]

March 12, 2021
The Principles Of Vastu Shastra, Colors & ACP Sheets
ACP Cladding
,ACP sheet manufacturer in India
,With the modern time, to match up our shoulders with the modernity we all love to design our home in the best way possible. And as the modernization increases, we also move towards new, fresh ideas with brand new concepts. The concept of interior decoration is coming out as a new trend and people are getting attracted to these unique ideas for adding a sophisticated touch to their place, including color of interiors, architecture, & carving etc. However, incorporating the best concept and designs in our house also sometimes doesn’t help. Several times, we face issues related to our stay […]

March 10, 2021
Top 5 Materials To Build Modern Kitchen Cabinets
ACP Cladding
,ACP sheet manufacturer in India
,Ever thought, what matters the most in homes. Yes, it’s the kitchen. The kitchen is what governs the energy of homes and keeps all members bonded, happy, and energized. In the kitchen resides the soul, and that makes the home function smartly, smoothly, and gracefully. And, this makes a spacious, functional, operative and elegant kitchen, a must serve the entire family in time, conveniently and comfortably to their delight. As nowadays the kitchens are just not meant to cook, bake, or store bare necessities, as they use to happen years ago, but nowadays they are meant to house all groceries, […]

February 8, 2021
Are Virgo ACPs A New Technological Breakthrough To Tilt The World?
ACP Cladding
,ACP sheet manufacturer in India
,The Virgo ACPs are going to change the lives of the tens of thousands of buildings and structures surrounding us not because the Aluminium Composite Panels are a technological breakthrough but because the concepts, the designs and the durability they are introducing into the world is just impossible to resist by even a single person. Yes, the Virgo ACPs is a new technological breakthrough to tilt the world. They are here to change the entire spectrum of the world outlook by giving it an amazing facelift beyond imagination. Arthur C. Clarke was amazingly incredible when he said, “Any sufficiently advanced […]

February 5, 2021
ACP Cladding – The Most Preferred For Building Exteriors
ACP Cladding
,ACP sheet manufacturer in India
,What is ACP? Aluminium Composite Panels are double-decker structures that comprise of several layers united together to produce multilayer sheets, industrial structural panels, or cored laminates. The ACP is made from a variety of metal, wood, ceramic, glass, fibre, and plastic-based composite materials. Aluminium composite panel also commonly known as ACP cladding is the most preferred building material in today’s construction world. The advanced structures, be it business, private, institutional, or medical clinics, will have ACP deal with them. It is hugely better than paints as they provide several benefits over and above the paints. Below-mentioned is some of the […]

January 17, 2021
What Makes Virgo’s Anti-Bacterial ACPs Stand Apart?
ACP Cladding
,ACP sheet manufacturer in India
,Our Indoor environment matters more for us than the outdoor, because we usually spend more time indoors rather than spending outdoor. And to everyone’s surprise, the latest research and several studies have proved that nowadays our indoor environments are more polluted than the outdoors. The further point to consider here is that the more we dwell in, the more we learn how important it is for one to have a cleaner environment in-house. The number of disease-causing microbes, pathogens, and other harmful microbes are merely countless in our indoor surroundings without our knowledge, no matter whether we are spending most […]

January 13, 2021
Why Are High-Pressure Laminates (HPL) Outshining Other Alternatives?
ACP Cladding
,ACP sheet manufacturer in India
,High-pressure laminates (HPL) have evolved as the most sought-after alternatives to be recommended by architects, interior designers, decorators and engineers around the world. Their flexibility, durability besides fire retardant and chemical resistance properties has made them the ideal choice for all establishments from residentials to commercials. Herein, we will be exploring the various USPs of these HPL sheets that made them superior to their peers. What are High-Pressure Laminates? The High-Pressure Laminates are composed of three different materials to attribute their different properties. It comprises resin-impregnated Kraft paper, decorative paper and an overlay paper-like clear melamine bonded to some Medium-density […]

May 25, 2019
ACP Sheet – A Moniker of Class, Signage and Innovation!
ACP sheet manufacturer in India
,Aluminium Sheet
,Whether it’s a building or a house, the first thing that catches our eye is the appearance. Moreover, each house speaks for itself; not by the words, but by the vibes & feel it spreads out. The kind of interior or exterior decoration one opts for speaks volumes about one’s personality. Thus, the need for choosing the best material becomes paramount. However, herein, apart from the appeal, one more essential factor that is often left unheeded is the comfort that the elements offer. ACP sheet is a new-age material that has been increasing in popularity among interior designers and individuals. […]

January 31, 2019
Get Preferred Color & Pattern from the Best ACP Sheet Manufacturer in India
ACP sheet manufacturer in India
,No matter what, you would want your home to be the best! The first impression does matter, and your home interior décor reveals much about your taste and your preferences. An appealing home not only brings in warmth for the residents but also to the visiting guests. So how do you go about designing your home that appeals to all and is also comfortable? ACP Sheets – The Best Example for Versatility The aluminum composite panel (ACP) has umpteen benefits. You would be mesmerized by the sheer varieties available in the ACP design for home. From the smooth finish to […]